Zinc Taste Test: Simple Test, Big Implications


Procedure and Scoring: No gum, eating, smoking for ~hour before test. Hold about a teaspoon of Aqueous Zinc (zinc sulfate) in your mouth for about 10 seconds. Swish around then swallow. After 20 seconds note your response.
1. ______ OPTIMAL ZINC LEVEL- Immediate, unpleasant, bitter/metallic adverse taste.
2. ______ ADEQUATE ZINC LEVEL-Definite but not strongly unpleasant taste is noted before swallowing
3. ______ ZINC DEFICIENT- No initial taste then develops 10-15 seconds after swallowing.
4. ______ MARKED ZINC DEFICIENT- No taste noted, tasteless, like water.

The zinc taste test has proved itself with studies in Lancet, British Medical Associations National Formulary & the American Journal of Natural Medicine. Taste (gustation) is a reliable indicator of functional stores of this mineral in the body. Research has revealed that when levels of zinc are low vitamin B6, magnesium and the stomachs ability to make hydrochloric acid (HCL) is also reduced.

Know these next three paragraphs & know far more about digestion than the average medical doctor:

1. Key understanding: Special cells in the middle portion of the stomach secrete a protein-digesting enzyme known as pepsinogen. This is an inactive enzyme. It requires the presence of hydrochloric acid in order to begin digesting protein. The major role of HCL is to activate pepsinogen, which now becomes known as pepsin. The misinformed see the stomach as some volcano- like, continuous bubbling cauldron of scorching acid. Not so. The stomach, flat when empty, sends stretching signals when food is received. This initiates the production of hydrochloric acid. It takes about 45 minutes for it to be formed and begin its digestive work via pepsin. Hydrochloric acid does not digest food. (Only enzymes can do that) rather, it activates your protein-digesting enzymes.

2. The hydrogen (H+) and the chloride (Cl-), ingredients for the HCL-hydrochloric acid are donated from your blood. These ions pass through specialized parietal cells and are combined only inside the stomach which is protected normally, by a thick layer of mucus. So, when a person thinks they need antacids for indigestion, it is not because there is too much acid; it is because the stomach cannot produce good quality mucus to protect itself. A second function of gastric acid is to kill bacteria and parasites that enter along with your food. (So, pounding Prilosec after that Sushi bar in Vegas? Not such a good idea-unless you want to charge rent to that 70 ft. tape- worm camping out in your colon)!

3. Before HCL is activated a predigestive time period occurs. This is ideally where enzymes from saliva and food begin to work. Provided the food is unprocessed, uncooked and not a fake man-made. Some 40 and up to 80% of the meals complex carbohydrates break down here. All this is done easily if the body has plug and play enzymes in the food. If not, the body has to work uphill and make enzymes to process the devitalized food products consumed. This Robbing Peter to pay Paul for enzymes, cannot persist without the consequence of unpleasant symptoms and degenerative conditions. Period! This is a law of physiology. Thus, a low zinc score suggest poor HCL productive capacity and low coenzymes.


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