Copy of Office Protocol 

In addition I may perform some other non-invasive exams to get more information and a baseline on your body functions, your physiology.  These may include one or more of the following.

 Blood Pressure, lying down and then standing.  This Raglands test suggest how dynamic your adrenal glands react to stress.

 Zinc Taste Test:   How you perceive taste after a challenge of a small portion of zinc in a liquid form will provide clues to your body store for this important enzyme co-factor.

 Pupillary Light Response:  I will see if the pupils of your eyes can constrict and hold with use of a penlight.   This is another adrenal gland response test.

 Pulse Pressure:  I will note your blood pressure and take the difference between the top and bottom numbers.    This is a simple yet predictive number that may help anticipate your risk for a future heart attack or stroke.

 BIA:  BioImpediance Analysis:   This gives vital information on your body composition and fluids on the inside and outside of your cell membranes.  (Details under separate cover) 

 Ruler drop test:  Reflex response time

 Static balance test:  Proprioception and functional use of antigravity muscles.

 Skin pinch test on the hand:  A basic estimate of hydration and tissue cross- linkages associated with accelerated ageing. 

The cost of this specialized evaluation is payable to Dr. Mattern at the day of service by credit card, cash or check in the amount of _$152.00__  This service is not expected to be covered by disease care insurance policies and definitely not Medicare.  In addition, any products I recommend following your evaluation will also be an out-of-pocket expense again payable on the day of your visit.   Your signature below will acknowledge your understanding of this matter.

Date                                                    Name Printed                                                     Signature

  SN:  I for one, am fearful for where my country is going and am frustrated with the heavy and clumsy hand of the government and insurance/drug cartel juggernaut.   Cash for service eliminates the idiocy of second party payment schemes and allows me to direct my full attention to YOU

Over close to twenty five years now I have had literally hundreds of hour of post-graduate training in the field of nutrition, nutraceuticals, herbology, and applied physiology.  This new work, particularly in the field of enzyme therapy is ripe for explosive growth due to its effectiveness at giving your body what it needs to self-regulate.

Generally there are but two schools of thought regarding body function:  The body is incredibly wise, or it is stupid.    As time goes on I hope I will be able to help you appreciate that whatever symptom you may be suffering from, annoying as it may be, is in reality an elegant and sagely wise effort to keep you alive for another second.  Not a second in the middle of next week, but the VERY NEXT SECOND AFTER....THIS ONE! 


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